I’m Linda, a developing developer fulfilling my fill for full-stack.
Hi, hello, hey! I'm Linda, a developing developer, code-blooded female and all round Hermione learning (and loving!) to code the software eating the world today. Perpetually curious, relentlessly enthusiastic and unabashedly dorky - that's me.
A recent career changer into tech, I dipped my toes into the world of digital/development, found the water was warm, and haven't look back. I love the rush that comes from translating an idea in my head into reality, and that tech allows me to flex my left and right brain tendencies in creative yet technical ways.
Connection, community and communication - that's my sweet spot. I love working in an industry filled with clever, creative people, and bringing them together. I fear feeling bored, stagnant or uninspired. I just want to learn, share, grow and give back.
I firmly believe that tech must be inclusive, accessible and diverse, and aspire to work with people and in places which share that commitment.
A good day is when I've achieved a lot and made people happy in the process, letting the results speak for itself.
Me in a nutshell.